
At the core of our company is a desire to be able to work with sustainability, the environment and self-sufficiency. Ever since we started the company, we have focused on long-term solutions in order to make a positive contribution to the environment and the local community, and to the greatest extent possible be self-sufficient both privately and in the company.

Our company is certified as an Environmental Lighthouse, and stakeholders can contact us to receive our climate report by email. We work closely with environmental work both continuously in daily operations, and in fundamental planning and strategy work in the company.

We have particularly focused on these points of the UN's sustainability goals:

3. Good health and well-being
5. Gender equality
8. Decent work and economic growth
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production

3. By having good working conditions for us and our employees, we facilitate good health and quality of life. We actively involve our employees in shaping the working environment in which we work together.
5. Equality between the genders, here all employees, regardless of gender, get equal tasks, equal responsibilities, and equal pay for equal work.
8. Decent work and economic growth, we strive to offer good wages and give our employees good opportunities for a career, while at the same time we invest profits back into the company for further development. In addition, we have a strong focus on collaboration, both locally and regionally, in order to create better conditions for everyone, better experiences for guests, and better access to resources both now and in the future.
11. We involve ourselves in the local community to build up a sustainable village, both by creating jobs in several arenas, we are co-owners of the project "Porsangerfjorden Lodge", which aims to create jobs, ensure continued operation of the school and kindergarten in the village, and facilitate entrepreneurs in the village.
12. Responsible consumption and production, we try to be sensible in our purchases, repair what can be repaired, and feed the dog as correctly as possible so that we do not waste food. We also work closely with Gøran's company, Sledespesialisten, and try to use what is left over from sled production for useful things in the kennel, for example name tags for the dogs.

Over time, we have also looked at the possibility of being able to produce our own dog food. Today, we have good access to meat from moose, sheep, and fish, which the dogs enjoy. And it can get even better as we develop the company.

We also have a strong focus on safety and first aid, both Mali and Gøran are trained in the Red Cross and Norway's Rescue Dogs, Gøran has also worked as a response manager and has several years of experience from the armed forces. We want all our guides to have a minimum of basic first aid, and then work on further training, focus on safety, and exercises, preferably in collaboration with other agencies.

Out in nature, we mainly use established roads. Scooter and ATV trails that we help to maintain, and we work closely with the local cycling club to maintain common trails for fat bikes and dog teams.

Animal welfare is also very important, we have chosen to build our dog kennel in connection with the barn, so that all the dogs have their dog houses, inside the barn. They also have their own closed in yards on the outside so that they can freely go in and out as they wish. All dog yards, and dog houses, are built on even stricter requirements than what is set as of today, in order to be prepared for a future where the authorities also set stricter requirements for animal welfare. The dogs live together in pairs, and in addition to training on the team, we also have a large running yard for free play where they can run around and enjoy life. They get lots of cuddles and praise, attention, and training. The kennel is cleaned several times a day, and we use high-quality dog food, with a good variety and personal feeding for the best possible follow-up of each dog in the kennel.

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